
  • Phrakrusuthiworasan Mahamakut Buddhist University, Kalasin Buddhist College, Thailand


Competence; Citizenship


     This research is an experimental research and development. The objective is to study the capabilities of the Sangha in the development of community citizenship. To create training courses and to assess the efficiency and effectiveness in developing the capacity of the monks to develop community citizenship. The sample group for phase 1 was 341 monks in Kalasin province. Phase 2 was created training courses. These included experts in the consistency assessment of 26 curriculum elements and Phase III training and development of community citizenship for 100 monks, 353 people in the community in the development of community citizenship. Research instruments A questionnaire and an assessment form The statistics used in the research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and correlation.

     The research results were found that Overall, the expected role is at a high level. The actual role is at a moderate level. The training course developed consists of 6 components: principles, goals, target groups. Content and activities Measurement and evaluation There is a high level of consistency. The results of the curriculum trial showed that the sample priests passed 70% of the criteria set by the curriculum and had a high level of self-efficacy. There is a high level of satisfaction. Knowledge and satisfaction towards the curriculum were moderately correlated with self-efficacy in a positive direction. In the study of the efficiency and effectiveness of the curriculum, it was found that the target group had higher knowledge than the specified criteria. The satisfaction with the priests' roles in the 21st century was found to be statistically significant. And from community development through Buddhist activities using action research after training with 1 monk who have passed the training found that.


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How to Cite

Phrakrusuthiworasan. (2020). THE DEVELOPMENT OF MONKS’ COMPETENCY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF CITIZENSHIP OF COMMUNITY. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 6(2), 204–215. Retrieved from



Research Article