Impact Of Burning Sugarcane Leaves Polluted PM 2.5 Nai -Muang Sub-District, Wiangkao District Khon Kaen Province


  • sitthiporn khetjoi Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Capmpus
  • Worachat Thasa Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Capmpus
  • Saccarak Raisa-nguan Mahamakut Buddhist University Isan Capmpus
  • Sudathip Khatjoi Khatjoi Sisaket Rajabhat University


Burning, Impact, Sugarcane Leaves.


The objectives of this study were:1) to study the personal factors of the people in Nai-Muang sub-district, Wiangkao district, KhonKaen province, 2) the impact  of sugarcane leaves burning polluted PM 2.5 in Nai-Muang sub-district, Wiangkao district, Khon Kaen province, and 3) to study the recommendations to protect the impact of sugarcane leaves burning polluted PM 2.5 and medical social welfare of the people in Nai-Muang sub-district, Wiangkao district, Khon Kaen province. The researchers collected the data from 383 sampling respondents by questionnaires and analyzed the data by descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The findings were as follows:

            The respondents, 52.20 percent, were male and 47.80 percent were female. The respondents,47.80 percent, were age between 21-40 years old. The respondents,34.20 percent, were graduated high school, and most of them, 56.40 percent, were farmers. They, 48.0percent, earned lower than 10,000 bath/month. The overall impact of sugarcane leave  burning polluted PM 2.5 Nai-Muang sub-district, Wiangkao district, KhonKaen province was at high mean level(= 4.03). while considering in each aspect, it was found that all aspects were at high mean level, the aspect of  ecological  impact (= 4.09), the aspect of air pollution (= 4.05),the aspect of health care( = 4.05), and the aspect of acid soil(= 3.95)respectively.


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How to Cite

khetjoi, sitthiporn, Thasa, W. ., Raisa-nguan, S. ., & Khatjoi, S. K. (2021). Impact Of Burning Sugarcane Leaves Polluted PM 2.5 Nai -Muang Sub-District, Wiangkao District Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 7(1), 16–25. Retrieved from



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