
  • Phramaha Saccarak Rai sa-nguan Mahasarakham University, Thailand
  • Apisak Sukying Mahasarakham University, Thailand


narrow reading, vocabulary learning, vocabulary knowledge, attitude


This study aimed to investigate the effect of narrow reading on vocabulary learning in a Thai university learning context. It also sought to explore the students’ overall attitudes toward the narrow reading approach. This study’s participants were 41 first-year undergraduate students of two intact classes, enrolled in a Thai Buddhist university. The participants were divided into the experimental group and the control group. The vocabulary knowledge scale test was given to all participants to measure their vocabulary improvement. A five-point Likert questionnaire was also used to explore participants’ overall attitude toward the narrow reading approach. The data were analyzed using the vocabulary knowledge scale and questionnaire. The results indicated the benefits of narrow reading in enhancing Thai learners’ vocabulary growth. Specifically, narrow reading enhanced learners’ ability to recognize and recall the meaning of a word from multiple encounters and their ability to appropriately use it in context. The questionnaire results also showed Thai university learners’ high positive attitude toward narrow reading with an average of 4.59 (91.8%). Specifically, learners’ interest, confidence and attitude toward narrow reading were remarkably increased after reading. Other implications of these findings are also discussed regarding current pedagogical practice and theory.


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How to Cite

Rai sa-nguan, P. S. ., & Sukying, A. . (2021). NARROW READING AND EFL LEARNERS’ VOCABULARY LEARNING IN A THAI BUDDHIST UNIVERSITY. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 7(1), 1–15. Retrieved from



Research Article