
  • Qi Shurui Rangsit University


live-streaming salesman.; Professional identity; Work performance


With the activity of the new format of e-commerce live sales in 2020, increasingly more people have become engaged in live sales. live-streaming Salesman play an important role in the sustainable competitiveness and development of live-streaming Salesman enterprises, reflecting the improvement of enterprise performance and consumer demand expectations. Therefore, to shape high-quality and complex e-commerce talents, it is of great significance to study the personal and working states of live-streaming Salesman to ensure individual development, organizational needs, and the boost of the entire business environment. This paper puts forward a hypothesis of the positive effect on work performance from the aspects of professional cognition, professional interest, and the quality of the live-streaming Salesman. Via theoretical analyses, live interviews, expert evaluations, questionnaire surveys, and data measurement analyses, it is demonstrated that there is a significant positive correlation between the professional identity and work performance of live-streaming salesman. Based on the research conclusions, specific management suggestions for Live-streaming Salesman and related enterprises are put forward from different perspectives.


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How to Cite

Qi Shurui. (2021). RESEARCH ON THE INFLUENCE OF CAREER IDENTITY OF LIVE-STREAMING SALESMAN ON WORK PERFORMANCE. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 7(2), 259–268. Retrieved from



Research Article