Thai Buddhist monks' participation in solving COVID-19 problem According to government policy


  • PhraPalad Wasan Wasantawetee (Hngokchai)


Participation, Thai Buddhist monks, COVID-19


In the present state, the monks' in buddhist lifestyle has undergone a significant
transformation due to the coronavirus epidemic. Monks have to protect themselves, trying to take care of wearing masks. More distance with kin Need to be more careful Return from alms Must take care of the cleanliness before entering the temple. Another way is Let kith and kin come to the temple Use screening for safety and prevent monks from being at risk as well. And at this time, some monks also use self-quarantine as a practice in themselves. Kith and kin can go to make merit, but may have to change their course. There are officers of the Royal Thai Police or the officers of various temples in the screening process before entering the merit. Or if laymen would come to discuss dharma with the Lord Should avoid meeting face to face Should use online media or use the telephone for consultation. Will be a good defense It is Therefore need The participation of the Thai Buddhist monks in the situation That arise. It is a spiritual refuge of the people and is an important part of helping to alleviate suffering for people who have suffered such as donating food, drinking water, masks, etc. To make society live happily. Are generous for each other.


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How to Cite

Wasantawetee (Hngokchai), P. W. . (2021). Thai Buddhist monks’ participation in solving COVID-19 problem According to government policy. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 7(3). retrieved from