
  • Phramaha Sompone Sucitto Mahachulalongkornrajviddhayalaya university Khonkean Campus
  • PhraSoponphattanabundit Mahachulalongkornrajviddhayalaya university Khonkean Campus
  • Suwin Thongpan Mahachulalongkornrajviddhayalaya university Khonkean Campus


Political philosophy, Theravada Buddhism, socialist concept, Kaysone Phomvihane


     The objectives of this research were: 1) to study political philosophy in Theravada Buddhism; 2) to study the socialism concept of Kaysone Phomvihane; 3) to analyze the political philosophy in Theravada Buddhism influencing the socialism concept of Kaysone Phomvihane. This study was documentary research carried out by collecting information from primary and secondary documents. The obtained data were interpreted by descriptive analysis based on the inductive method.

The research results were as follows:

1) Political philosophy in Theravada Buddhism is the Buddha's teaching about politics and government used in solving social problems concerning rights, liberties, equality, and brotherhood in order for people to coexist in society in love, unity, and mutual support in the form of the Dhammika society.

2) Kaysone Phomvihane’s socialism concept is a four-sided political concept:
1) philosophy of work, 2) government, 3) equality, and 4) brotherhood to govern the People's Democratic Republic of Laos to progress and to achieve peace, justice, equality and brotherhood within the country.

3) Political philosophy in Theravada Buddhism that affects Kaison Phomvihane’s socialism concept has four aspects: 1) working for the common good based on the principle of sacrifice and the benefit of the people as importance; 2) government which preserves the rights and justice; 3) equality which is a duty to look after the rights of people of each tribe and gender equally; 4) the brotherhood, the principle of coexistence with brotherhood, respect, dignity and human values.


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How to Cite

Sucitto, P. S. ., PhraSoponphattanabundit, & Thongpan, S. . (2021). POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY IN THERAVADA BUDDHISM ON KAYSON PHOMVIHANE’S SOCIALISM CONCEPT. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 7(3), 182–193. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jber/article/view/255905