Model Developing, Strategic LeadershipAbstract
The purposes of this research were to: 1) examine components of strategic leadership for the small school administrators in the Office of Education Region 11, 2) construct and develop a model for developing strategic leadership for the small school administrators in the Office of Education Region 11, and 3) validate the effectiveness of the developed model. This Research was conducted by using Research and Development, consisting of three Phases: Phase I was based on an investigation of components of strategic leadership for the small school administrators include document analysis, In-depth interviewing 517 experts. Phase II was related to constructing and developing a model for developing strategic leadership for the small school administrators, and Phase III concerned model implementation and conclusion. The survey was administered to the samples of 30 administrators small school.
The results were as follows:
- 1. The components of strategic leadership for the small school administrators comprised five components 1) Revolutionary thinking 2) Strategic planning 3) Strategic implementation 4) Organizational culture and 5) Performance Appraisal
- 2. The developed model comprised: principles, objectives, contents, development process, and measurement and evaluation, The development process was divided into four phases: 1) self study, 2) professional learning community (PLC), 3) practicing in actual settings, and 4) Supervision monitoring and evaluation.
- 3. The effectiveness of strategic leadership for the small school revealed that the model was appropriate at the highest level in overall ( = 4.78). After the model implementation, the participating administrators reported their improvement of strategic leadership for the small school administrators in the Office of Education Region 11 at the percentage of 1.70 and showed the percentage progress of 56.48.
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