The Buddhist Integration of the Five Precepts to Promote the Quality of Life in Accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Ban Huai Mak Lam Community, Thom Na Ngam Sub-district, Non-Sa-at District, Udon Thani Province


  • Phra Aphichat Abhiyataputto (Worasina) Mahaculalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand


Green supply chain management; enterprise performance; Chinese furniture manufacturer


The objectives of this research were: (1) to study the living conditions of Ban Huai Mak Lam community, Thom Na Ngam Sub-district, Non-Sa-at District, Udon Thani Province; (2) to study the five precepts in promoting livelihoods; (3) to present the Buddhist integration approach in promoting livelihoods according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy of Ban Huai Mak Lam community. This study was qualitative research by studying documents, related research, and interviews to collect data from the target group of 15 key informants. The research results were as follows: 1) The living conditions of Ban Huai Mak Lam community: the people of Huai Mak Lam Village are united. Most people in the area are engaged in agriculture but lack principles in life such as not fully complying with the Five Precepts, spending extravagantly, being caught up in vices, and lacking knowledge of how to live a life of sufficiency. 2) The five precepts in promoting the livelihoods of Ban Huai Mak Lam community: refraining from killing animals is the creation of compassion. Refraining from stealing someone else's possession shows satisfaction with one’s assets. Abstaining from sexual misconduct helps to be satisfied with one's spouse. Refraining from telling lies encourages self-improvement in terms of reliability. Abstinence from alcohol drinking encourages people to be conscious and prudent. 3) The Buddhist integration approach in promoting livelihoods according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy of Ban Huai Mak Lam community: villagers should abide by the Five Precepts: (1) refrain from killing; (2) abstaining from stealing; (3) abstaining from sexual misconduct; (4) abstaining from lying; (5) abstaining from intoxicating drinks under the framework of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy: moderation, reasonableness, and immunity.


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How to Cite

Abhiyataputto (Worasina), P. A. . (2023). The Buddhist Integration of the Five Precepts to Promote the Quality of Life in Accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of Ban Huai Mak Lam Community, Thom Na Ngam Sub-district, Non-Sa-at District, Udon Thani Province. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 9(3), 227–240. Retrieved from



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