Relationship Between Online Shopping Service Recovery and Customer Behavior from the Perspective of Consumer Forgiveness


  • Jinxin Ge Chinese Graduate School, Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Nonthaburi, Thailand.


Online-shopping, Service recovery, Consumer behavior, Consumer forgiveness


The Chinese online shopping environment is still in the stage of growth, the business mode of online retail is not so mature, the online consumers often will suffer failed service or product problems. The online retailer unavoidable to recover for the service to online consumers frequently, consequently, this study would make an empirical analysis of the relationship between service recovery and customer behavior in light of the characteristics of online shopping, which has great significance in enhancing service recovery performance. The study theoretically analyzes the relationship between service recovery, service fault attribution, consumer forgiveness, and customer behavior, and proposes the research hypothesis to build the theoretical mode of service recovery that affects customer behavior. This study makes the consumers who have experienced the fault services as the research target, and collects data by the method of the questionnaire, finally, it applied the SPSS23.0 to count and analyze whether the hypothesis is founded or not, also, there would be a discussion for the result of the empirical analysis. The result of the final empirical analysis indicates that service recovery would have a positive impact on the intention of the consumer's behavior, consumer forgiveness would have a partial mediation effect between the service recovery and the intention of the consumer behavior, at the same time, it also could mediate the relationship between the consumer forgiveness and the intention of the consumer behaviors, though, the fault service attribution has no significant moderating effect on the influence of psychological remedy on consumer forgiveness.


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How to Cite

Ge, J. (2024). Relationship Between Online Shopping Service Recovery and Customer Behavior from the Perspective of Consumer Forgiveness. Journal of Buddhist Education and Research (JBER), 10(1), 227–236. Retrieved from



Research Article