Journal of MCU Buddhist Review has entered its 9th year and this is the 1st issue (January-April 2025). The Faculty of Buddhism, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, has published this Buddhist academic journal for the public. The main objective is to disseminate academic works by administrators, lecturers, and graduate students of the Faculty of Buddhism and students of other faculties of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, as well as Buddhist scholars outside the university. This journal includes research articles and academic articles.

The editorial team of Journal of MCU Buddhist Review has gradually published articles one by one that have passed the process of evaluating the quality of academic content by qualified persons. The article owners have revised the content according to the suggestions of the evaluators and have revised the format of the articles. For the benefit of the academic value of the article owners.  The journal has gradually published some articles in the Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): Journal of MCU Buddhist Review. (January-April)

We would like to thank all article owners, including executives, lecturers, academics, and students from various universities who have submitted research articles and academic articles for publication. The editorial team sincerely hopes that the content of this journal will be useful to all readers. If readers have any suggestions for improving this journal to be more complete, the editorial team will gladly accept them.

Published: 30.01.2025