Construction of Management Model for Developmentally Competencies of Students in Sport Management Program Using Community-Based Instruction
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The purpose of this research was to construct the management model for enhancing the competencies of sports management student with Community - Based Learning. The sample was 15 experts in administration and sport management selected by snow ball technique. The in-depth interviewing with semi-structural question was used to collect data. The data was analyzed by content analysis and then was constructed into the management model and operation manual. The confirmation on the suitability, feasibility and practicability of the model and operation manual were collected by rating scale questionnaire and then analyzed by descriptive statistics.
The results of the research could summarize that the constructed model to enhance the competencies of sports management students with Community - Based Learning The model consisted of 1) management functions of universality, faculty, student and community, 2) the plan , procedure and the manual to operate the learning system, 3) the competencies of sports management students 4) the cooperation with the selected community, 5) the test and evaluation of the project operation and competencies achievement of the students. The confirmation of model and the operation manual were highly accepted (4.55) to be suitable, feasible and practical by the stakeholders .
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