The Study of Logic Misconceptions of Undergraduate Students Department of Mathematics Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University

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Navapon Nontapa


This research was designed to study characteristics of logic misconceptions of bachelor degree students department of mathematics education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. The target group is  45 students who enrolled the course of logic in the four semester of a academic year of 2016. Two research instruments employed for the study were the logic conception test in a form of subjective type for finding logic misconceptions and the semi – structured interview form for intensive interview to examine the causes and characteristics of logic misconceptions and Record form

In group conversation. The collected data were analyzed using frequency and percentage.

The findings revealed that the students indicated logic misconceptions which were ranked in this order : the proof of symbolic use and logical reasoning as 47.56%, problem solving in logic as 43.70%, and logic skills as 8.74%.

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How to Cite
Nontapa, N. (2020). The Study of Logic Misconceptions of Undergraduate Students Department of Mathematics Education Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(3), 41–53. retrieved from
Research Articles


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