The Study of Probabilistic Reasoning Ability of Mathayomsuksa Three Students by Using Hands on Activities and Gamification

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Sarun Jankaew
Chanisvara Lertamornpong
Songchai Ugsonkid


The purposes of this research were to study probabilistic reasoning ability and frameworks for

developing Mathayomsuksa three students’ probabilistic reasoning ability by using hands on activities with gamification. The research design was quasi experimental. The targets were 32 Mathayomsuksa three students in Science Mathematics Enrichment Program of Chanpradittharam Witthayakom School in the second semester of the academic year 2019. Research instruments consisted of probability lesson plans by using hands on activities with gamification, hands on materials and probabilistic reasoning ability assessments which all items were examined in content validity by the experts and IOC was more than 0.5. Statistic data analyzed were percentage and content analysis.

                 The research results revealed that 1) the level of probabilistic reasoning ability of the targets after learning by using hands on activities with gamification was in the highest level (4th level in                         all aspects as 82.81% and 2) the frameworks for developing Mathayomsuksa three students’ probabilistic reasoning ability by using hands on activities with gamification consisted of three procedures – i.e.                      warm-ups, practice and presenting results, and expansion. The hands-on activities applied to the real situation and used the elements of gamification to engage and challenge students.

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How to Cite
Jankaew, S., Lertamornpong, C., & Ugsonkid, S. (2020). The Study of Probabilistic Reasoning Ability of Mathayomsuksa Three Students by Using Hands on Activities and Gamification. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(3), 77–78. retrieved from
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