The Effects of Online Learning with ClassStart Platform for Developing Self-Directed-Learning of Undergraduate Students

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Yaowalak Chomnawang


The purposes of this research were to (1) develop Online  Learning  with  ClassStart Platform  (2) compare the learning achievement before and after studies with  ClassStart Platform  for  developing Self-Directed-Learning (3) compare the learning achievement of students who were taught by online Learning with ClassStart Platform  for developing Self-Directed-Learning and the learning achievement of students who were taught by normal teaching approach and  (4) study the satisfaction of students. The sample group was consisted of 30 students who enrolled in Science in Daily Life subject during the first semester of academic year 2020 at Northeastern University. It was divided into 2 groups; a group of 15 students who were taught by online Learning  with  ClassStart Platform and a group of 15 students who were taught by normal teaching approach. They were from Simple Random Sampling using lottery. The instruments for the study were 1) online Learning  with  ClassStart Platform  2) a learning achievement test and 4) a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistic that used in research were mean, standard deviation and t-Test

            The results of the research showed that Online Learning This efficiency is 84/80 The post-test scores were significantly higher than before the study at the .05 level. the learning achievement of a group of the students who were taught by online lesson with  ClassStart Platform and the learning achievement of a group of the students who were taught by normal teaching approach were not different at the .05 significant level. And the satisfaction was at a very good level. (= 4.40 , S.D. = 0.61 )

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How to Cite
Chomnawang, Y. (2021). The Effects of Online Learning with ClassStart Platform for Developing Self-Directed-Learning of Undergraduate Students. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 18(1), 95–104. Retrieved from
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