Development of Mathematics Learning Achievement on Preliminary Data Analysis For 11th Graders by Using CIPPA Learning Model.

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Phrompiriya Pinagapho
Nattachai Juntachum
Poosit Boontongtherng


The purposes of this study were: 1) to development of Mathematics learning achievement
on preliminary data analysis for 11th graders by Using CIPPA Learning Model with the effectiveness
of 70/70 standardized criteria, 2) to study the effectiveness index by Using CIPPA Learning Model,
3) to compare the students’ learning achievement, 4) to study the retention of the students’ learning
and 5) to study students’ satisfaction toward the learning achievement. The sample groups were 36
of 11th graders room 2 at Nadoonprachasan School in the 2nd semester in academic year 2017. The
research instruments were 1) lesson plans, 2) a 4 multiple-choices test, 3) a 5 rating scale
questionnaire on students’ satisfaction. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean,
standard deviation, and t-test (Dependent Samples).
The results revealed were: 1) Development of Mathematics learning achievement on
preliminary data analysis for 11th graders by using CIPPA learning model was 80.95/78.15
(E1/E2) which higher than 70/70 criteria established, 2) an effectiveness index of learning management
was 67.27%, 3) after students’ learning achievement on the preliminary data analysis for 11th graders
by using CIPPA learning model were higher than before learning the CIPPA instruction model was at
.05 level of the statistical significance, 4) the students’ retention of the preliminary data analysis
after learning with the CIPPA learning model and after 2 weeks were not significantly different and
5) students’ satisfaction toward developing learning management by using CIPPA learning model was
at the high level.

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How to Cite
Pinagapho, P., Juntachum, N., & Boontongtherng, P. (2020). Development of Mathematics Learning Achievement on Preliminary Data Analysis For 11th Graders by Using CIPPA Learning Model. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 83–95. retrieved from
Research Articles


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