Supervision Model of Learning Management to Promote on Problem Solving Thinking Skills

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Atitaya Woranit
Piyatida Panya
Paisarn Worakham


The purpose of this research was to teachers competency developed in learning
management on problems solving thinking skills promotion and there are given operation based on
research and development process as follow; Phase 1: Study, analyzed states and problems,
and need in the supervision of teaching and learning management method on problems solving
thinking skills promotion; Phase 2: Creation and development of the model; Phase 3: Model
implementation; and Phase 4: Model evaluation.
The research revealed that 1. The result of the study, analyzed states and problems, and
need in the supervision of teaching and learning management method on problems-solving thinking
skills found that there should be enhancing to teachers participation with the training to have
cognition about learning management methods and operating supervision as systematically;
2. The result of the model creation found that there have 6 steps of the procession in which the
experts all from 3 groups have a suggestion to the draft format was haves appropriately and
valuable which no statistically significant difference was found between the three groups; 3. The
results of the experiment found that the supervisors’ ability to supervise and to improve the
problem-solving skills of teachers after using the model of supervision were higher than before using
the model of supervision at the .01 level of significance; 4. The results of the assessment of the
supervision model found that teachers’ satisfied with supervision model and students’ satisfied
with learning management method to problems-solving thinking skills promotion were high level

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How to Cite
Woranit, A., Panya, P., & Worakham, P. (2020). Supervision Model of Learning Management to Promote on Problem Solving Thinking Skills. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 97–108. Retrieved from
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