A Cognitions and Living Behavior Derived from Economic Sufficiency Philosophy of Teachers under the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education, KhonKaen Province

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Patapol Danok
Chanachai Eonwang
Tatchwat Laosuwan


The purposes of this research were: 1. To study the level of cognitions’ of Economy
Sufficiency Philosophy; 2. to study the level of living behavior cognitions of the Economy
Sufficiency Philosophy; 3. to compare the level of living behavior; 4. to study the relationship
between the level of cognitions and living behaviors of Economy Sufficiency Philosophy of teachers
under the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education, KhonKaen Province. The sample consisted
of 257 teachers under the Office of Non-formal Education and Informal Education by multi-stage
sampling. The research instruments were 20 items of paper test and 30 items of questionnaires.
The research revealed that 1) The level of cognitions’ Economic Sufficiency Philosophy of
the most teachers at moderate level, 2) the level of living behavior of the Economic Sufficiency
Philosophy of teachers was generally at a high level, 3) comparison with living behavior level found
that teachers with different gender, status and work experience have the same living behavior in
overall and individual aspects but there have a non-difference in living behavior statistical of the
difference is at the level of 0.5, and 4) The relationship between cognition and living behavior found
that there was a relationship at 0.1 level of significance.

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How to Cite
Danok, P., Eonwang, C., & Laosuwan, T. (2020). A Cognitions and Living Behavior Derived from Economic Sufficiency Philosophy of Teachers under the Office of Non-Formal and Informal Education, KhonKaen Province. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 117–126. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edu-rmu/article/view/251966
Research Articles


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