Participatory Learning Model between School and Community in Organic Agriculture using Organic Principles of Environmental Education to the Consciousness Development in the Local Community

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Arwon Arthan
Udon Oragul
Songsak Jeerasombat
Somkeart Pengrat


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study states, 2) to develop the model, and
3) study the effect of participatory learning model between school and community in organic
agriculture using organic principles of environmental education to the conscious mind development
in the Local Community and there was divided into 3 phases. The population and sample group
were (1) 85 schools, (2) 73 informants by purposive sampling technique. Statistical data analyzed
were mean, standard deviation, t-test, and descriptive statistics.
The research revealed that Phase 1: concerning the demand condition of informants in the
local have needs and demands at a high level; Phase 2: effect of the model developed was
appropriate and feasible to bring the actual practice at a higher level; Phase 3: effect of the model
implementation found that students had overall learning performance in 3 sides based on
curriculum’s fixed that there have after average score high more than before at 0.01 significance.

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How to Cite
Arthan, A., Oragul, U., Jeerasombat, S., & Pengrat, S. (2020). Participatory Learning Model between School and Community in Organic Agriculture using Organic Principles of Environmental Education to the Consciousness Development in the Local Community. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 157–170. Retrieved from
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