Total Quality Management and Public Sector Management Quality Award of The Teachers’ Council of Thailand

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Kwanchanok Tirat


The purposes of this research were 1. to study the quality management, and 2. the guru to
offer guidance on quality management throughout the Organization based on the quality of public
sector management. The sample group was the administrators and the staff of the Office of the
Secretary-General was 50 people. The research instruments were interviews and questionnaires.
Data analyzed by SPSS and statistics were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard division.
The research revealed that 1) The level of quality management was overall at a high level,
the strategic plan at the highest average and the average at a low-level as measurement, analysis,
and knowledge management. 2) Guidelines for quality management were summary as follows that
most interviewees identified the development of the principle of the indicators to appropriately
with the context and there understanding in direction practicing through work principle must be a
creation of the specialized personnel. 3) Brainstorming the project by administrators and employees
have organized brainstorming sessions about the training program concerning enhancing the
management of public sector organizations to be efficient more and developing in section 4
resultant that indicators fixable clearly and appropriately with contextual organizations by operating
on PDCA process.

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How to Cite
Tirat, K. (2020). Total Quality Management and Public Sector Management Quality Award of The Teachers’ Council of Thailand. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 225–233. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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