Model of Effective Activities Development and Learner Development Deviled from Economic Sufficiency Philosophy in Small Schools under the Office of Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area

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Rungphet Hatthamat
Somchai Wongkasem
Chumnian Pollharn


The purposes of this research were: 1. to study the conditions of organizing activities,
2. to create a development model for effective activities development, and 3. to study the results
of the experiment using a development model of effective development activities for learners
derived from principles of Economic Sufficiency Philosophy of in small schools under the Office of
Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area. The research instruments were a questionnaire and an
evaluation. Data analysis of qualitative and quantitative using basic statistics such as mean and
standard deviation.
The research revealed that 1) the results of the study of the condition of organizing activities
according to the opinions of teachers, school administrators, and the school’s commission of
basic education. The overall evaluation results were at the highest level, 2) The results of the model
creation found that the effective development activities had an overall image of suitability and
possibilities at a high level, and 3) effect of activities development implemented found that the
model manual had an overall at a high level, the evaluation of model found that after the development
overall was at a high level, and the results of behavior evaluation and effective learner
development activities were found that overall at a very good level.

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How to Cite
Hatthamat, R., Wongkasem, S., & Pollharn, C. (2020). Model of Effective Activities Development and Learner Development Deviled from Economic Sufficiency Philosophy in Small Schools under the Office of Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 235–246. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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