Effects of Using THIEVES Strategy for Improving English Reading Comprehension of Second Year Students of College of Interdisciplinary Studies

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Varaphon Kanphon


The purposes of this research were: 1. to study the learning achievement on English reading
comprehension with THIEVES strategy and 2. to study reading process by using THEIVES strategy
towards English reading comprehension. The target group was 69 second year students of Philosophy,
Politics and Economics program who were studying in Academic Reading and Writing 1 in the first
semester of the academic year of 2017 at College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University
(Lampang Campus). They were divided into 2 groups which are 35 students for experimental group
and 34 students for control group. The research instruments consisted of 4 lesson plans using the
THIEVES strategy and the conventional teaching method, English reading comprehension test,
classroom observation and worksheets. The data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, t-test
and descriptive analysis.
The research revealed that 1) The achievement scores on English reading comprehension
between pretest and posttest of both experimental group and control group were significantly
different at the .05 level. The experimental group’s score was higher than the control group’s. There
was no significant difference on English reading comprehension of both experimental group and
control group. 2) Using THIEVES strategy helps in better English reading comprehension for students.

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How to Cite
Kanphon, V. (2020). Effects of Using THIEVES Strategy for Improving English Reading Comprehension of Second Year Students of College of Interdisciplinary Studies. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 377–391. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edu-rmu/article/view/252193
Research Articles


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