The Deciding Factor of Parents in Sending Their Chidren to Study at Nattayapitsanusorn Nakhonsitammarat School

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Mattaneeya Pattanaprat


The purposes of this research were to study the deciding factors of parents in sending their
children to study in Nattyapitsausorn Nakhonsitammarat School and to compare the deciding
factors of parents in sending their children to study in Nattyapitsausorn Nakhonsitammarat School,
classified by gender, education, and career. The sample group consisted of parents who send their
children to study in the nursery level 1-3 at Nattyapitsausorn Nakhonsitammarat School using
Krejcie and Morgan’s table. The 152 samples came from Stratified Random Sampling. The 5-rating
scale questionnaire was applied as the tool for data collection. Statistics for data analysis included
percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and F-test and One-way ANOVA.
The research revealed that 1) The parents have the deciding factors of parents in sending
their children to study at Nattyapitsausorn Nakhonsitammarat School at a high level. Considering in
details, there are 5 high level and 1 highest level. The first top factor is the relationship between
the school and the community which has the highest meaning. Next is the expense for education,
building and environment, teachers, and educational management which has the lowest mean and
2) The difference in gender, educational level, and career influence the deciding factors of parents
in sending their children to study at Nattyapitsausorn Nakhonsitammarat School without any

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How to Cite
Pattanaprat, M. (2020). The Deciding Factor of Parents in Sending Their Chidren to Study at Nattayapitsanusorn Nakhonsitammarat School. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 415–424. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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