Development of Online Interactive Learning Model Based on the Contemplative Education to Enhance Creative Thinking for Secondary School

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Kotchaphorn Maneephong
Sanit Teemuangsai
Prawit Simmatan


The purposes of this research were: 1. to study the conditions and problems of teaching
and learning management of students in the computer subject field of secondary school, 2. to develop
of online interactive learning model and 3. to try out the online interactive learning model based on
the contemplative education to enhance creative thinking for secondary school. The study procedures
were divided into 3 phases. Phases 1: to study and analyze the problems and needs of students for
the online interactive learning model; Phases 2: to develop of online interactive learning model;
Phases 3: to the online interactive learning model based on the contemplative education to
enhance creative thinking for secondary school.
The research revealed that 1) The overall problem and needs of the students for Secondary
School, teaching and learning conditions have a lot of teaching and learning that emphasizes
content, learning management technology media does not draw attention and when they do not
understand or have questions who want to ask the teacher at any time, 2) the online interactive
learning model comprised 5 element as (1) the learner module (2) the coach module (3) the online
interactive module (4) the pedagogy module and (5) the evaluation module and 3) the results of
the satisfaction of learners studying with the develop of online interactive learning model at a high

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How to Cite
Maneephong, K., Teemuangsai, S., & Simmatan, P. (2020). Development of Online Interactive Learning Model Based on the Contemplative Education to Enhance Creative Thinking for Secondary School. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 473–484. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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