The Strengthening Key Characteristics of Teacher in Love and Faithfulness for Teaching Professional at Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University

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Anusorn Chanprathak
Janphen Phusopha


The purposes of this research were 1. to analyze, synthesize guidelines for strengthening
key characteristics of professional teachers in their love and faithfulness 2. Developing the strengthening
key characteristic activities and 3. Trial and evaluation of satisfaction in the strengthening key characteristic
activities and the research tools for this study are interview questions and activity manuals.
The sample group used in this study were consisted of 1) a group of 10 experts 2) an experimental
group consisting of 20 first year students who were volunteered. Data analysis using of frequency,
percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.
The research revealed that: 1) The activities aspect of love and Faithfulness for teaching
professionals including (1) Using religious and psychological methods (2) Organize classroom activities,
(3) Use learning from real situations and learn from models, (4) Use the open forum and (5) Organize
camp designs, programs, and training according to the curriculum. 2) The results of activities consisted
of 2 main activities and 7 sub-activities and the appropriateness of the activities was at a high level
with an average of 4.46 standard deviations at 0.49 and 3) The results of the trial and evaluation of
activity satisfaction found that the students who participated in the activities have self-awareness
as good teachers and were satisfied with the activities for strengthening key characteristics of
professional teachers in love and faithfulness at a high level ( gif.latex?\bar{X} = 4.42, S.D. = 0.58).

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How to Cite
Chanprathak, A., & Phusopha, J. (2020). The Strengthening Key Characteristics of Teacher in Love and Faithfulness for Teaching Professional at Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 17(1), 543–555. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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