The Development of Argumentative and Critical Thinking Abilities ofthe 8th Grade Students Using Learning Management Plans on Socio-Scientific Issue (SSI)

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Rossirin Lakhan
Natchanok Jansawang


The purposes of this research were: 1) to compare the students’ argumentation abilities and critical thinking before and after the learning with the Socio-Scientific Issue (SSI) on Soil Water and Natural Disaster unit, 2) to study argumentation abilities and critical thinking in each aspect after the learning with the Socio-Scientific Issue (SSI) on Soil Water and Natural Disaster unit. The samples were 40 students in grade 8, Rajabhat MahaSarakham University Demonstration School, selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were 1) 6 learning management plans with the SSI on Soil Water and Natural Disaster unit within 12 hours, 2) 3 sets of Argumentation Abilities Test, consistingeach of 5 items for the totalof 15 items, and 3) 20 items of the 3 multiple-choices on Critical Thinking Test. The data analysis was conducted by mean, standard deviation and percentage and t-test fordependent sample.

              The results of this research revealed as follows: 1) the students had higher argumentation abilities and critical thinking after the learning with SSI than before the learning at statistical level of .05.  2) The students had the highest argumentation abilities on the claim; the lowest was the evidence.

Inaddition, they had the highest critical thinking on deductive, and the lowest wasinduction.

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How to Cite
Lakhan, R., & Jansawang, N. (2021). The Development of Argumentative and Critical Thinking Abilities ofthe 8th Grade Students Using Learning Management Plans on Socio-Scientific Issue (SSI). Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 18(2), 117–126. Retrieved from
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