The Development of Academic Administration Model towards the Students Quality of Debsirinromklao School

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Pitug Eandoo


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the problems of academic administration; 2) to create the model; 3) to evaluate the use of the model; 4) to evaluate the satisfaction of the participants in the model. The research and development proceeding in 6 steps: 1) analyzing and collecting data from documents to study current conditions and academic problems, 2) creating a model by interviews with experts and focus group, 3) The model was used for trial and evaluation by analyzing the learning achievement of desirable characteristics, satisfaction assessment used statistics, percentage mean, standard deviation, chi-square, and t-test, 4) This is the use of the evaluation results from Step 3 to improve and develop and use it in the next academic year, 5) Bring the developed model to try and evaluate according to Step 3, and 6) Publish the model. The research revealed that 1) The school has the current condition and problems driving the quality of academic work in organizing the learning process, educational Curriculum Development research and development of education and development of media, innovation, and technology; 2) the model has 6 components; chief, academic administration, teamwork, academic scope, digital for academic management, policy for education;  3) the results of the evaluation of the use: (1) the effectiveness of personnel development, budget utilization, above the target as for the achievement of academic administration, it was at the excellent level; (2) The student's achievement was significantly high era the .05 level; (3) The model towards learner quality affects the desirable characteristics, The level of significance. 05; (4) The results of the Ordinary National Educational Test average scores were higher than the overall level of the whole country; 4) Teachers, students, and parents had higher satisfaction after use than before, statistically significant at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Eandoo, P. (2021). The Development of Academic Administration Model towards the Students Quality of Debsirinromklao School. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 18(2), 189–203. retrieved from
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