The Study of Management Factors on Cultivating aHappy Workplace Management Factor

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Vichakorn Hengsadeek


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study factors that affected the Sports Authority of Thailand’s employees to become a member of a happy workplaceand2) tostudy relationof behavioral indicators for employees to become part of a happy workplace among the Sports Authority of Thailand’s employees. Thequantitative research method was adopted in this researchby sending online survey tothe Sports Authority of Thailand’s employees for completing a questionnaire. The achieved sample size was 381 persons.The research tool was a questionnaire, and thedescriptive statistics included:percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation analysis. The research results were as follows:
1. The 8 factors affected a happy workplace,such ashappy body, happy heart, happy money, happy relax, happy brain, happy soul, happy family,and happy society.
2. Organization commitment factors wereconsisted of mind, organizational commitment, and organizational standard.Factors affected employees for being in part of happy workplace,namely helpfulness, selfless, patient, cooperate and accountability in position.
3. The Sports Authority of Thailand’s employees who participated in this research were male and female equally at 44.9%, aged between 25-55 years old and the average age was 45.37 years old. Monthly household income of the sample group was 10,000 - 300,000 Baht, and the averageof monthlyhousehold income was 74,136.46 Baht. 54.9% of the samples had got an education level higher than bachelor’s degree. 55.1% of them got married.70.1% of the samples had work experiences more than 12 years, and 45.1% of them were taking in charge of leadership position.
4. The correlation towards behavioral indicators of being part of a happy workplace among the Sports Authority of Thailand’s employee wassignificantly correlatedat 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Hengsadeek, V. (2021). The Study of Management Factors on Cultivating aHappy Workplace Management Factor. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 18(2), 205–214. Retrieved from
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