A Learning Model to Promote Creative Productivity Thinking in the Ubiquitous Learning Environment for Undergraduate Students
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The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop a learning model that promoted creative productivity thinking in the ubiquitous learning environment for undergraduate students and 2) assess such developed model in the ubiquitous learning environment for undergraduate students. The research was conducted with mixed methods. The sample groups using the purposive sampling technique were: 1) 9 experts in designing the ubiquitous learning environment, creative productivity thinking, educational media and innovation, and measurement and evaluation and 2) 5 qualified scholars in learning management, measurement and evaluation, educational media and innovation, and creative productivity thinking. The data were collected by an in-depth interview and an evaluation form of the learning model. The data were analyzed by content analysis, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings indicated that the result of development the learning model consisted of 4 components including 1) overall principles and concepts of the learning model, 2) objectives of the learning model, 3) a learning process, and 4) measurement and evaluation. Furthermore, the results revealed that the suitability of the learning model was at the most appropriate level.
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