The Promotion of Critical Thinking Ability through Flipped Classroom Learning Together with Infographic for Mathayomsuksa 5 Students of Phungdaet Wittayakarn School

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Sittiporn Suporn
Prawit simmatan
Darunnapha nachairit


The aims of this research were 1) to study the results of the promotion of critical thinking ability through flipped classroom learning together with infographic and 2) to study the satisfaction of students on the promotion of critical thinking ability through flipped classroom learning together with infographic. The target group of this research was Mathayomsuksa 5/1, Phungdaet Wittayakarn School. The study was conducted using an action research approach. The research tools were 1)two learning management plans on basic programming,                     2) analytical thinking ability test, 3) students’ learning journal and 4) questionnaire of student satisfaction on the promotion of critical thinking ability through flipped classroom learning together with infographic. The data analysis statistics were descriptive statistics; mean, percentage and standard deviation.

            The research findings were found that 1) the promotion of critical thinking ability through flipped classroom learning together with infographic consisted of two action cycles. Students’ critical thinking ability on  the first action cycle was at a good level and  the second action cycle was at very good level, respectively. 2) The student's satisfaction on the promotion of critical thinking ability through flipped classroom learning together with infographic was at the highest level (=4.57, S.D.= 0.33).

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How to Cite
Suporn, S. ., simmatan, P., & nachairit, D. . (2022). The Promotion of Critical Thinking Ability through Flipped Classroom Learning Together with Infographic for Mathayomsuksa 5 Students of Phungdaet Wittayakarn School. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 18(3), 105–112. retrieved from
Research Articles


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