Teaching Chinese via/ through Social Media in Thailand

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Phalphan Keasornkul


This article seeks to present how social media platforms are used in Chinese language teaching, along with their benefits and limitations. Several social media platforms are being used for teaching Chinese, such as Facebook, Line, and Google Meet. Regarding the benefits, these social media platforms are convenient, user-friendly, and serving various needs of users. Social media facilitate data sharing between learners and instructors online, making the instruction possible from anywhere and at any time. They promote the learning objectives and enhance writing, speaking, reading, and listening skills in Chinese. In addition, social media also develop a positive relationship between learners and instructors. However, there are some drawbacks in using social media for teaching Chinese. For instance, privacy issues should be taken more seriously when sharing data while learning and teaching Chinese. Copyright in the content is another controversial issue when using social media for teaching Chinese. Learners and instructors in some areas also experience poor internet connection. Lastly, learners and instructors alike should use their discretion in choosing the appropriate social media platforms.

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How to Cite
Keasornkul, P. (2022). Teaching Chinese via/ through Social Media in Thailand . Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(1), 23–35. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edu-rmu/article/view/256438 (Original work published May 12, 2022)
Academic Articles


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