Digital Skills of Teachers Affecting the 21st Century Classroom Management of Schools under Nakhon Phanom Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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Amnat Chaisong
Tatsana Prasantree
Sumalee Sriputtarin


The purposes of this research were (1) to study and compare the digital skills of teachers classified by status and school size, (2) to study and compare the 21st-century classroom management of schools classified by status and school size and (3) to study the predictive power of digital skills of teachers affecting the 21st-century classroom management under the secondary educational service area office Nakhon Phanom.           The samples were administrators and teachers under Nakhon Phanom Secondary Educational Service Area Office, totally 319 schools. A five-rating scales questionnaire was conducted for data collection. The data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples), one-way analysis of variance analysis, and multiple regression stepwise.

              The results were found that 1) the digital skills of teachers in overall were at a high level. In comparison, the digital skills of teachers classified by status were statistically significantly different at the .05 level and the digital skills of teachers classified by school-sizes were statistically significantly different at the .01 level. 2) The 21st-century classroom management of schools in overall were at a high level. In comparison, the 21st-century classroom management of schools classified by status were not different and the comparison of school sizes were revealed a statistically significant difference at the .01 level. And (3) There were variables digital skills of teachers affecting the 21st century classroom management of schools. could be predicted up to 84 percent, and the equation was written as follows.

                    Y' =    0.44 + .30 X3 + .20 X6 + .16 X5 + .12 X1 +.08 X2

                     Zy'         =    .40 Z3 + .22 Z6 + .18 Z5 + .13 Z1 +.09 Z2

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How to Cite
Chaisong, A. ., Prasantree, T. ., & Sriputtarin, S. . (2022). Digital Skills of Teachers Affecting the 21st Century Classroom Management of Schools under Nakhon Phanom Secondary Educational Service Area Office . Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(1), 163–174. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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