Cotton Rope for Binding Wrist: Discourses, Roles and Significations in Isan Society

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Kritsana Srikokpho
Anuchsagoon Tubseang
Anantasak Ponkaewkes
Phacharakrit Sribunrueang
Phrakrukampeedharammanuwat Phrakrukampeedharammanuwat
Chinda Ngamsutdi


This research aimed to: 1) study discourses, blessings speech in Isarn binding wrist ritual 2) study the role of the cotton thread for binding wrist or Fai Pook Khaen 3) to study the symbolism of the cotton thread in the northeastern society. The results found as follow;
            1. There were 2 types of discourses for binding the wrists; 1) the discourse of teachings in Isarn blessing in binding wrist ceremony, and 2) the discourse of the greeting in the ceremony.
            2. There were 3 characteristics of the roles of the cotton thread in Isan society; 1) the role of the solution to relieve the grievances, 2) the role of explaining the origin and importance of rituals, and 3) the role in the society norms preservative.

  1. There were 3 characteristics for the cotton thread symbolism; 1) creating the sacred symbol, 2) creating sacred symbols through rituals, and 3) creating sacred symbols through the actions of the binders and participants in the ritual.
    Cotton thread is a product of Buddhism, Brahmanism and belief in spirits, which affected to Isan society deeply. It is an inheritance of the thinking system, and the beliefs inherited from the past until the present.

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How to Cite
Srikokpho, K. ., Tubseang, A. ., Ponkaewkes, A. ., Sribunrueang, P. ., Phrakrukampeedharammanuwat, P., & Ngamsutdi, C. . (2022). Cotton Rope for Binding Wrist: Discourses, Roles and Significations in Isan Society. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(1), 266–277. Retrieved from
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