The Promotion of Thai Dramatic Arts Practical Skill by Harrow's Blended Learning for Grade 6 Students, Saithong Chalermwit School
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The purposes of this research were to 1) study the promotion of Thai dramatics art practical skill by Harrow's blended learning for grade 6 students, Saithong Chalermwit school, and 2) study the samples’ satisfaction toward the learning model. The sample consisted of grade 6 students, Saithong Chalermwit school. The research tools used 2 lesson plans, a practical skill assessment form, a journal writing form, and satisfaction form. The statistics were mean and standard deviation.
The research found as follows. 1) The promotion of Thai dancing's action skill by Harrow's blended learning in the second cycle of this activity was at good level which 4.07 mean score. It showed that the model was efficiency for learning activity management. Since the teacher used the problem reflections from the first cycle, adapted them, and used in the second cycle. This guided the students to have more learning skill, and had mutual understand the content of the course. Moreover, the various appropriate learning activities were provided; the students motivating, group discussion, counseling and guidance, thinking skill training, using skills for learning and creating the dance forms, practicing, repetition until they had their own dance skill, and solve their problems themselves by exchanging opinion and group planning together. These motivated the students to learn the lessons, and responded their assignments, 2) the students satisfied the learning model at the highest level which 4.54 mean score.
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ข้อกำหนดเบื้องต้นที่ผู้นิพนธ์(ผู้ส่งบทความ) ควรทราบ
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