The Development of Online Training Model of Drones for Basic Agriculture

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Akom Pannikorn
Paitoon Srifa


This research aimed to 1) develop online training model of drones for basic agricultural with good quality level, 2) compare pre- and post-learning achievement score of online training, 3) investigate the satisfaction towards to the Web-Based online training and 4) explore the troubles and obstacles of the online training. The data were collected from 25 agricultural drone trainees of NADrone Project chartered by Easy 2018 company limited in 2022. The research instruments consisted of 1) "Web-Based” online training model, 2)  pre-test and post-test of the online training, 3) satisfaction questionnaire on the "Web-Based” online training. The data analysis statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation and paired sample t-test.

            This research results showed that 1) the quality of the online training model was at excellence level (=4.61, S.D.=0.28), 2) the comparison of pre -test and post- test mean score found that the achievement scores after the training was higher than before the training at  0.05 level of significance, 3) the trainees expressed satisfaction with the online training  at high level ( =4.09, S.D.=0.69) and 4) the troubles and obstacles of the online training were some of topics are too long and cause reduce learners’ interests. Also, the learners haven’t got used to this new training and they have low internet signal that cause  the figures quality.

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How to Cite
Pannikorn, A., & Srifa, P. (2022). The Development of Online Training Model of Drones for Basic Agriculture. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(2), 224–236. Retrieved from
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