A Study of Creativity Problems for Pratomsuksa 4 Students with the Test for Creative Thinking Drawing Production (TCT-DP)

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Onsurang Jukthum
Songsak Songsanit
Prawit Simmatun


This research aimed to study creating problems for Pratomsuksa 4 students with the Test for Creative Thinking Drawing Production (TCT-DP). The research participants were selected from schools in Maha Sarakham with teaching Pratomsuksa 4 students, in the first semester of the academic year 2021. These schools included large, middle, and small size schools. The total population was 9,644 people. The research participants were based on Taro Yamane’s table which included 398 people by using a multistage randomization method. The research tools included: 1) Students' Achievement Score and 2) The Test for Creative Thinking Drawing Production. The collected data were analyzed in percentage, mean, standard deviation.

The research findings were as followed: the using the TCT-DP Test pointed out that each item of the test indicated 4 elements of creativity: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. According to the scoring criteria of the TCT-DP test, there were 218 participants whose scores were below 24, meaning low creativity. There were 180 participants whose total scores were between 24-47, meaning moderate creativity, and no participants were placed on a high level of creativity. Therefore, learning instruction should be developed to enhance students’ creativity following learning in the future.

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How to Cite
Jukthum, O., Songsanit, S., & Simmatun, P. (2023). A Study of Creativity Problems for Pratomsuksa 4 Students with the Test for Creative Thinking Drawing Production (TCT-DP). Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(2), 40–47. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edu-rmu/article/view/259289
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