A Study of Teachers’ Beliefs and Ability to Solve Mathematical Problems of Lower Secondary School Students Under Mahasarakham Provincial Administrative Organization
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The purposes of this research were to (1) study beliefs in mathematics of lower secondary teachers, (2) study ability to solve mathematics problems of secondary school students and (3) study the teachers’ beliefs and the ability to solve mathematics problems of lower secondary school students. The samples were 10 mathematics secondary school teachers and secondary school students of the teachers, acquired by simple random sampling. The research instrument were a questionnaire of teacher beliefs, a questionnaire of teacher beliefs and mathematical problem-solving, a test of mathematical problem-solving abilities and an interview form of teacher beliefs. The data analysis statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation together with task analysis and descriptive analysis.
The results of the research were as follows; (1) The sample teachers were teaching in lower secondary, 5 teachers believed in constructivist theory and the other 5 teachers believed in absolute theory. (2) The students who studied with the group of constructivist belief teachers had average score of 97.00% and the group of absolutist belief teachers had average score of 93.33%. (3) Teacher’s belief and ability to solve mathematics problems of students in the group of constructivist belief teachers had faith that the teachers teach in following the problem-solving process and used variety of tactics to solve problems for students understanding. Students of the absolutist belief teachers had faith that the teachers used the easiest method to solve problems and provide examples along with the exercises in student textbooks.
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