The Development of Student Care and Support System in Case Study of Matthayomphuhungpatthanawit School under the Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office

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ธวัชชัย สมีนาง
Theera Pudee
Rutchadaporn Ngoipoothon


The purposes of this study were: 1) to study the problems of student care and support system management in Matthayomphuhungpatthanawit school under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin, 2) to study the guidelines to develop the implementation of student care and support system and 3) to study the results of the development student care and support system management. This research was Action Research with three period process including four procedures; Planning, Action, Observation and Reflection. Participants consisted of key informants 17 persons including the researcher and the teachers and additional informants 11 persons. The research instruments were collected data by using Observation Form, Construct Interview Form, NoteF, Conclusion problem of student care and support system management Form, Conclusion view the care and support system management manual, and After Action Review. The analysis data was conclusion and descriptive. Research findings were found as follows:

1.The problems of student care and support system management  under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Kalasin were teachers who work for student care and support system management were lack the understanding, poor counsel skill, lack of various activity, and less coordinated with other organizations.

2.The manual of student care and support system management was completely appropriate to the school context and suitable for the researcher to use in school and to develop the student care and support system management in the future.

              3.The results of the development student care and support system management in Matthayomphuhungpatthanawit school was found that the procedures of student care and support system management was exactly obvious. The procedures were completely done by the framework in high efficiency. The assessment result of the follow up was in excellent level of quality.

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How to Cite
สมีนาง ธ., Pudee, T. ., & Ngoipoothon, R. . (2023). The Development of Student Care and Support System in Case Study of Matthayomphuhungpatthanawit School under the Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office . Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(1), 143–154. Retrieved from
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