The Academic Achievement Promoting through Social Media Supported STAD Collaborative Learning for Pratomsuksa 6 Students at Ban Khok Ko School
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This research aimed 1) to study the practice of academic achievement promoting through social media supported STAD collaborative learning applications, 2) to study the academic achievement of the students before and after the social media supported STAD collaborative learning, and 3) to study the students’ satisfaction towards the social media supported STAD collaborative learning. The research was an action research. Target group of this research was a classroom of Prathomsuksa 6 students, in the first semester of academic year 2019, at Ban Khok Ko School, Khok Ko Sub-district, Mueang Maha Sarakham District, Maha Sarakham Province. There were 20 of students in total. The research tools consisted of lesson plans, memorandum form, academic achievement test, and the student satisfaction questionnaire. The data analysis was divided into two methods. Firstly, qualitative data analysis was conducted by analyzing, interpreting, summarizing, and reporting the results in a descriptive format. Secondly, quantitative data analysis was performed using mean, standard deviation and percentage.
Results of the research were as follows: 1) The practice of academic achievement promoting through social media supported STAD collaborative learning included a four-steps of learning process; 1) preparation, 2) teaching, 3) group activity and 4) lesson summary and group work evaluation. 2) The academic achievement of pre-study and post-study have shown 1.33 which was effective according to the Meguigans standard, and 3) The students’ satisfaction towards the social media supported STAD collaborative learning was at the highest level (= 4.8, S.D. = 0.38).
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