The Using Result of the Online Project-Based Learning with Student Engagement Technique Model for Vocational Student

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Rangsan Tobwar
Sanit Teemueangsai
Phongtorn Phopoonsak


This research aimed to 1) develop of online lessons based on the learning model as the effective Meguigan's criterion 2) compare the students’ achievement test score  between the students who study with the model and students who study in classroom, 3) study students learning collaboration with a learning model, and 4) study the students satisfaction toward the learning model. The sample for this research consisted of the High Vocational Certificate 1 group 11 and group 12 students, Computer Business Major, Buriram Technical College. Second semester, academic year of 2016. The sample used the cluster random sampling. The research instruments were 1) online PBL lessons and the learning technique 2) an achievement test 3) a collaboration evaluation form and 4) a satisfaction form. This research uses an experimental research method. The statistics used mean, standard deviation, Meguigan’s efficiency criterion and t-test.

The result of the research found that 1) the efficiency of the online lessons model was 1.09, which was higher than the Meguigans’s criterion. 2) the sample and the experimental group achievement scores were statistical significance differences at .01 level. 3) the result of students collaboration evaluation revealed at high level and 4) the students’ satisfaction was also at high level.

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How to Cite
Tobwar, R., Teemueangsai, S., & Phopoonsak, P. . (2022). The Using Result of the Online Project-Based Learning with Student Engagement Technique Model for Vocational Student. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 95–106. Retrieved from
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