The Approaches of New Normal Science Learning Management: Content Analysis

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Sumalee Tientongdee


The purposes of this research were to analyze classroom action research  articles and summarize the approaches of a new normal science learning management for lower secondary level. The sample group was 21 research articles of  the pre-service general science teachers from 54 research articles, published in the proceeding of science and technology session in the 4th national academic conference for undergraduate students in education on March, 2022, selected by purposive selection and passed the research quality criteria. The research instruments were a research quality assessment form and an assessment form for the new normal learning management. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis.

            The results showed that 1) all research articles were classroom action research. The most of the research articles emphasized on innovative online learning to improve 21st century skills (52.38 percent) and followed by the development of the new normal learning management process (47.62 percent) and 2) the new normal learning management approach was at a very good level ( = 4.60, S.D.= 0.51) consisted of 4 steps:    1) preparation of online learning, 2) motivation engagement, 3) 5Es scientific inquiry-based learning and          4) evaluation and extension. The recommendation for future study is to apply the learning management approach for teaching and learning at other levels

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How to Cite
Tientongdee, S. (2022). The Approaches of New Normal Science Learning Management: Content Analysis. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 167–176. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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