The Electric Guitar Teaching Processes: A Case Study of Thammarat Duangsiri

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Chidnarong Bubpasopa
Hirun Chaksen
Kritsada Wongkhumchan


The electric guitar teaching process : A case study of Thammarat Duangsiri was the qualitative study. The purposes of this study were 1) to study Thammarat Duangsiri’s electric guitar instructional processes, 2) to investigate his electric guitar teaching strategies, and 3) to explore his biography and his works. The field data were collected through the interview and observation. The data were examined for accuracy, analyzed, synthesized, and presented. There were 5 electric guitar teaching processes; 1) Assessing the students’ competency. 2) Choosing the appropriate exercises for students’ need. 3) Students choose the song. 4) students played the song they had chosen. 5) Giving feedback and some useful advises.  According to his 10 teaching strategies; 1) introduction 2) explanation and exemplification 3) instruction media implementation 4) questioning 5) non-verbal language in communication 6) story-telling 7) learning from songs implementation 8) engagement 9) motivation, and 10) lesson summary. According to his biography, he was the famous electric guitarists in Thailand. He practiced and improve his electric guitar playing skill by himself and becomes a professional guitarist. He was the champion of the world-class electric guitar contest 2009 in UK. He also has his own electric guitar instruction media and he conveys his knowledge and his skill to other people professionally.

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How to Cite
Bubpasopa, C., Chaksen, H. ., & Wongkhumchan, K. . (2022). The Electric Guitar Teaching Processes: A Case Study of Thammarat Duangsiri. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 177–184. Retrieved from
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