The Teachers' Learning Management Competency Enhancement with Using Professional Learning Community at Setthabutbamphen School

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The research objectives were to 1) Study the teachers’ learning management competency current states and desirable states by using the PLC model, 2) Develop the PLC model for teachers’ competency enhancement, 3) Study the result of the model, and 4) Assess the model. The research instruments used the 1) PLC current states and desirable states survey, 2) The PLC assessment form for the experts, 3) The PLC manual assessment form, 4) A teachers’ learning management form, 5) Teachers’ ability assessment form, and 6) The appropriation and benefit of the model. The sample of the research consisted of 151 teachers and staffs in, Setthabutbamphen School. The sample used the purposive sampling. The statistics were percentage, mean,
and standard deviation and the research data analyzed by using descriptive statistics.

              The result of the research were as follow; 1) The overall for the current states study was at moderated level, and the desirable states was at high level. 2) The result of the model development and the form assessment consisted of five features; principal, objectives, content, procedures, assessment and evaluation, and accuracy were at high level. 3) The result of the model implement was at the highest level after using the model. 4) The result of the model assessment was at high level. 5) The overall for the model appropriateness and its advantages were at high and the highest level respectively.

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How to Cite
PINNIGORN, T. (2022). The Teachers’ Learning Management Competency Enhancement with Using Professional Learning Community at Setthabutbamphen School. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 185–199. Retrieved from
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