Development of Mathematical Problem Solving Skills Using Problem-Based Learning with Digital Media on Ratio, Proportion and Percentage for Mathayomsuksa 1 Students

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Chutimon Sochaiyan
มะลิวัลย์ Phattarachaleeku
Nipaporn Chutiman


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop mathematics learning activities using problem-based learning with digital media on Ratio, Proportional and Percentage to be effective according to the criteria of 75/75, 2) find out the effectiveness index of mathematics learning activities using problem-based learning with digital media, 3) compare the mathematical achievement and mathematical problem-solving skills of problem-based learning with digital media students and regular learning activities students and 4) study student satisfaction. The research randomly conducted on two groups of Mathayomsuksa 1 students at Samrongthap Wittayakom School in 2nd semester of the academic year 2021. The collected data were analyzed by using percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and tested the hypothesises with Pearson correlation (r) and Hoteling's T2. The research results  were as follows: 1)  the efficiency of mathematics  learning activities using problem-based learning with digital media was 81.89/80.11, which is higher than the expected criterion of 75/75. 2) The learning activities had the effectiveness index of 0.6786, indicating the students with  progression of 67.86%. 3) The problem-based learning with digital media students had higher mathematical achievement and mathematical problem-solving skills than the regular learning activities students, at statistically significant level of .05. 4) The problem-based learning with digital media students had a high level of overall satisfaction.

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How to Cite
Sochaiyan, C., Phattarachaleeku ม., & Chutiman, N. . (2022). Development of Mathematical Problem Solving Skills Using Problem-Based Learning with Digital Media on Ratio, Proportion and Percentage for Mathayomsuksa 1 Students. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 201–214. Retrieved from
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