The Development of Music Activities for Bedridden Patients and Their Caregivers in Khon Kaen Province by Using the Innovative Musical Instruments (String and Percussion)

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Dutruedee Bamphenphon
Pornpan Kaenampornpan
Patravoot Vatanasapt


The objectives of this research were to develop music activities for bedridden patients and their caregivers by using the innovative musical instruments. The research sample consisted of 10 patients and their caregivers; five groups of bedridden patients and their caregivers. Each pair of them consists of a bedridden patient and its caregiver. The research instruments used 5 developed music activities plans for bedridden patients and their caregivers, the developed innovative musical instruments (stringed and Percussion), and an observation form.

The research result were as follow; the sample abled to understand, played the developed musical instruments and sing as the developed music activities in the first, second and third circle. Furthermore, the activities enhanced the positive relationship between the patients and their caregivers. While they were doing the activities together, they were very happy and joyful.

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How to Cite
Bamphenphon, D., Kaenampornpan , P. ., & Vatanasapt , P. (2022). The Development of Music Activities for Bedridden Patients and Their Caregivers in Khon Kaen Province by Using the Innovative Musical Instruments (String and Percussion). Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 227–237. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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