Development of Internal Supervision in Huay Toom Wittayakarn School under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Watchareeya Dechaong-Arj
Parisha Marie Cain
Theera Phudee



                 This action research  purposed 1) to study the problem of internal supervision in Huay toom wittayakarn school under the Kalasin primary educational service area office 1, 2) to study the guidelines for the internal supervision development of Huay toom wittayakarn school under the Kalasin primary educational service area office 1 and 3) to study the results of internal supervision development of Huay toom wittayakarn school under the Kalasin primary educational service area office 1. The research target groups were 15 researchers and co-authors. The tools for data collection were  structure research group interview form, self-assessment form, Professional Learning Community (PLC) record form, lesson learned form of the internal supervision through the professional learning community process results and After Action Review (AAR) form. The content analysis was conducted for data analysis and reported in descriptive format. The results showed that: 1. Internal supervision problems of Huay toom wittayakarn school was less systematic operations in distinction to appoint members of the board, defining the scope of duties, knowledge sharing, problem determination, planning and options determining out-of-date information, problem prioritization, and media and tool development. These cause an inability to operate the internal supervision plan which affected to the evaluation and report. 2. The guidelines for internal supervision development in Huay toom wittayakarn school  were a clear internal supervision action plan, participation planning of the stakeholders,  collaborative supervising and assessment, regular reflection after  the supervision and opportunity of friendly knowledge sharing in the PLC process. 3. The internal supervision development of Huay toom wittayakarn school including systematic planning and participation, open opportunities of cooperative knowledge sharing in the PLC process, bring the body of knowledge to further development of the internal supervision process, properly design, built and develop, in time, and variety of formats. These provided the internal supervision operations more step-by-step, helped school administrators and teachers understand their roles and accept each other's role and encouraged staffs to work together like good friend.

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How to Cite
Dechaong-Arj, W., Marie Cain, P. ., & Phudee, T. (2022). Development of Internal Supervision in Huay Toom Wittayakarn School under the Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 19(3), 267–278. Retrieved from
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