A Study of Executive Roles in Promoting Professional Learning Community of Teachers in School Under Kalasin Primary Educational Service Area Office 3
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This research aims to 1) study the elements of executive role in promoting professional learning community of teachers in school. 2) to study the role of executives in promoting a community of professional learning of teachers in school and 3) to compare of the level of executive roles in promoting professional learning community of teachers in school under kalasin primary educational service area office 3 classified by the experience of the executive and school size research methodology with mixed methods by using a pioneering survey pattern which divides into 2 phases. Phase 1: study the element of executive role in promote professional learning community of teachers in school. Phase 2: Study and compare of the level of executive roles in promoting professional learning community of teachers in school. The population are the school principals under kalasin primary educational service area office 3. There are 198 People, a main group of informant is the directors of the school, There are 198 People, and The teachers on duty head of the learning group, There are 639 People, total 837 People in the research consists of interviews and questionnaires. Analyze the data with basic statistics and content analysis.
The results of this research found that:
1. The elements of executive role in promoting professional learning community of teachers in school consists of 7 roles are planning role, role in creating of the morale and encouragement, Participative management roles, The role of teacher and personal development promotion, Instructional Leadership role, Co-leadership role and reflection role.
2. The overall level of executive roles in promoting professional learning community of teachers in school under Kalasin Primary Education Service Area Office 3 are high that considering side by side is high level too.
3.To compare the level of executive roles in promoting professional learning community of the teachers in school under Kalasin Primary Education Service Area Office 3 as follow.
3.1 The experiences of executive with different experience in school. There were different levels of roles of administrators in promoting professional learning communities of teachers in schools.
3.2 The executive in different school size has different roles in prompting professional learning communities of teachers in school.
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