Development​ Critical Thinking and Attitude Toward Social Study Learning of 6th Grade Student Based-on Metacognitive Approach Collaborate with Collaborative Learning

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Oannob Thotthong
Athirach Nankhantee
Nirat Jantharajit


          The purposes of this research were: 1) to compare critical thinking of 6th grade student before and after the learning management based on metacognitive approach collaborated with collaborative learning and 2) to compare attitude toward social study learning of 6th grade students before and after the learning management based on metacognitive approach collaborated with collaborative learning. This research conducted experimental investigations with 17 students from a class of grade 6 in Bansansuksamakkee school, Kumtakha District, Sakhonnakhon Province in the second semester of 2022 academic year. The students were obtained by using cluster random sampling method. The research instruments for data collection composed of 15 learning management plans, the 5 items Critical Thinking Assessment Form and the 8 items Attitude Assessment Form. The data analysis statistic consisted of mean, standard deviation and t-test for dependent sample.
          The results showed that: 1) the students of the learning management based on metacognitive approach collaborated with collaborative learning had posttest scores of critical thinking higher than before the learning at the .05 level of significance, with pretest score of 8.70 and posttest score of 10.53 and 2) the students of the learning management based on metacognitive approach collaborated with collaborative learning had posttest scores of attitude toward social study learning higher than before the learning at the .05 level of significance, with pretest score of 21.59 and posttest score of 30.24

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How to Cite
Thotthong, O., Nankhantee, A., & Jantharajit, N. (2023). Development​ Critical Thinking and Attitude Toward Social Study Learning of 6th Grade Student Based-on Metacognitive Approach Collaborate with Collaborative Learning. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(3), 95–103. Retrieved from
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