The Application Digital Technology to Enhance Entrepreneurship in the Modern World for Undergraduate Senior Students at Kasetsart University Bangkok
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The objective of this research was to explore the application digital technology to enhance entrepreneurship in the modern world for undergraduate senior students at Kasetsart University Bangkok. A total of 338 samples were from quota sampling of undergraduate senior students from four faculties in the field of Social Sciences at Kasetsart University Bangkok. The research tool was a rating scale questionnaire which content validity checked by three experts, the IOC values were between 0.67-1.00. The reliability was checked by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value which was 0.96. The data analysis statistics were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The research findings revealed the students’ opinions about instructor teaching practices for fostering entrepreneurship based on the VICTOR framework in overall at a high level (x̅=4.19, S.D.=0.27). The item with the highest mean score was risk taking (x̅=4.32, S.D.=0.39), whereas the lowest was value creation (x̅=4.05, S.D.=0.40). The application of digital technology to enhance entrepreneurship in overall was at a high level (x̅=4.17, S.D.=0.28). The item with the highest mean score was practice (x̅=4.21, S.D.=0.40), whereas the lowest was attitude (x̅=4.13, S.D.=0.36). It was found that students interested in applying digital technology to keep themselves up to date as well as facilitate their learning and working. The application of digital technology is an important skill of entrepreneurship in the modern world.
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