The Opinions of Parents Regarding the Administrator’s Leadership of Larg-size Schools in Pathum Thani and Sakaeo Provinces

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Jessada Kwamkhunkoei
Praphunphong Chinnaphong


The purposes of this research were to 1) study the opinions of parents regarding the administrator’s leadership of large-size schools in Pathum Thani and Sa Kaeo provinces and 2) the comparative study on the opinions of parents regarding the administrator’s leadership of large-size schools in Pathum Thani and Sa Kaeo provinces, classified by age and education level. The data collection were done with the parents of large-size schools in Pathum Thani and Sa Kaeo provinces from a multi-stage sampling of 400 persons. The collected data were analyzed in percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics of t-test, F-test (One-way ANOVA) and LSD (Least Significant Difference Test).

The research study found that 1) the level of the opinions of parents regarding the administrator’s leadership of large-size schools in Pathum Thani and Sa Kaeo provinces in overall was at high level (x̅=3.45, S.D.=1.04) and 2) the comparative study on the opinions of parents regarding the administrator’s leadership of large-size schools in Pathum Thani and Sa Kaeo provinces, classified by age and education level, revealed no difference in the opinions of parents of different genders and different relationships between parents and students regarding the administrator’s leadership of large-size school in Pathum Thani and Sa Kaeo provinces. However, there were differences in the opinions of parents of different ages, living areas and education levels regarding the administrator’s leadership of large-size schools in Pathum Thani and Sa Kaeo provinces.

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How to Cite
Kwamkhunkoei, J., & Chinnaphong, P. (2023). The Opinions of Parents Regarding the Administrator’s Leadership of Larg-size Schools in Pathum Thani and Sakaeo Provinces. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(2), 128–136. retrieved from
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