Development of Thai Reading Comprehension Activities Based on The SQ4R Learning Concept for Grade 8 Students

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Saowalak Salee
Chaiwat Supucworakul
Darunnapa Nachairit


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop reading comprehension activities based on SQ4R learning method for grade 8 students with an effective criterion of 80/80; 2) to compare students’ reading comprehension ability after learning with SQ4R learning activities with the criterion of 80% and 3) to Investigation of students’ satisfaction with learning with SQ4R. The study groups were 8 grade 23 students at Srisawat Wittaya School in the second semester of the academic year 2022. The research instruments were a learning management plan with SQ4R learning activities, a reading comprehension test, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used in the study were mean, standard deviation, percentage, and statistical hypothesis tests using the t-test (Dependent Samples).
The results showed that: 1) Thai reading comprehension learning activities based on SQ4R concept had an efficiency of 85.47/85.51, which was higher than the criterion of 80/80. 2) reading comprehension score after learning was 85.51%, which was higher than the 80% criterion at a statistical significance of .05, and 3) the students were satisfied with the SQ4R concept-based reading comprehension activities overall at a high level. (x̅=4.33, S.D.=0.58)

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How to Cite
Salee, S., Supucworakul, C., & Nachairit, D. (2023). Development of Thai Reading Comprehension Activities Based on The SQ4R Learning Concept for Grade 8 Students. Journal of Education Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 20(2), 106–115. Retrieved from
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